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Open House content

From world-class theatre to thrilling dance, incredible music and unmissable opera, Adelaide Festival is committed to being equitable and inclusive. We believe that engaging with the arts can have a deep and meaningful impact on people’s lives.

Our Open House program supports individuals and charitable organisations to experience the arts at Adelaide Festival and aims to make these experiences more accessible to everyone. The program is made possible with the generous support of The Balnaves Foundation.

Tix For Next To Nix

We want Adelaide Festival to be for everyone and actively seek out community groups and individuals who would love to experience the Festival for the first time.

Adelaide Festival is offering limited tickets across a selection of Festival events at just $5 to not-for-profit organisations, charities, and patrons who have a current Pension Card or Health Care Card.*

We encourage first-time festival goers and not-for-profit organisations that would like to be part of this program to register your interest via the form below. Once you have completed the form, a representative from our program partner, GOGO Events, will be in touch within 10 days confirming next steps.

* Individual patrons may access a maximum of six tickets through Tix For Next To Nix. The Commonwealth Senior Health and Seniors Cards are ineligible for this offer.

Register your Interest


Pay What You Can

Are you a low-income earner? If you have a current Health Care Card, Pension Card or full-time student card, you can access Pay What You Can tickets to a selection of Adelaide Festival shows.

(Please note: the Commonwealth Senior Health and Seniors cards are ineligible). Tickets are available one hour before the performances. 

Open House tickets are intended for people who would otherwise not have the opportunity to access the arts and attend Adelaide Festival. 

Dialogues in Sound | Tue 11 Mar, 7:30pm

Big Name, No Blankets | Sat 15 Mar, 7pm

Daylight Express | Ensemble Lumen: Towards the Light | Fri 28 Feb, 12:30pm

One Single Action in an Ocean of Everything | Sun 2 Mar, 5pm

Club Amour | Wed 12 March, 8:10pm

Complete Works: Table Top Shakespeare - Timon of Athens | Sun 9 Mar, 1pm