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Adelaide Festival is excited to be teaming up with Wilderlands to help protect critical biodiversity and native fauna habitat in the Coorong Lakes region.

Conservation group Wilderlands offers the purchase of voluntary biodiversity units that ensure permanent protection and fund 20 years of management for high ecological value projects across Australia, with the Coorong Lakes reserve one of four projects available to support through the platform.

The Coorong Lakes project is a conservation reserve managed in partnership with the traditional owners of the region, the Ngarrindjeri people, with the area considered one of Australia’s most important and diverse wetland ecosystems. Wilderlands and Adelaide Festival are proud to be adding greater protection to this important area.

The Coorong is host to a rich diversity of native plants and animals, including the rare Cleland’s Beard-heath (Leucopogon clelandii) and the elusive Elegant Parrot (Neophema elegans). Conservation priorities for the region include restoring remnant patches of habitat via revegetation of native species in areas that have been cleared through agriculture, as well as ensuring native seed collection and nursery propagation for supplementary planting of rare plants.

The partnership with Wilderlands will enable the Festival to secure some of the world’s first voluntary biodiversity credits, as well as providing the opportunity for attendees to protect their very own square metre patch of land by simply registering on the Wilderlands platform. Our collective goal for 2023 is to reach 3030 sqm of vulnerable habitat protected.

By purchasing Biological Diversity Units (BDUs) through Wilderlands, Adelaide Festival will provide permanent protection of vulnerable habitat and ongoing management to enhance the native wildlife, tall forests, grasslands, wetlands and woodlands across Australia. 

Jump on the Wilderlands website for more info and join us in protecting Australia’s precious biodiversity and endangered species, one square metre at a time!

Generously supported by James Darling AM & Lesley Forwood.

Photo: Wilderlands Co-Founder Paul Dettmann working alongside Wayne Mark at the Coorong Lakes project as part of their partnership with the Ngarrindjeri people.

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