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Breakfast with Papers image

8am | West Stage

Breakfast with Papers

Boys and Men and Aussie Rules image

9:30am | East Stage

Boys and Men and Aussie Rules

Helen Garner

The World After Gaza: A History image

9:30am | West Stage

The World After Gaza: A History

Pankaj Mishra

Paranoia, Mania and Monsters in the Soviet Union image

9:30am | North Stage

Paranoia, Mania and Monsters in the Soviet Union

Malcolm Knox

It's Christmas 1962 and a Baby Arrives... image

10:45am | East Stage

It's Christmas 1962 and a Baby Arrives...

Niall Williams

Uses for Obsession image

10:45am | West Stage

Uses for Obsession

Ben Shewry

Love, War and Friendship image

10:45am | North Stage

Love, War and Friendship

Catherine McKinnon

Fiction, Memoir and the Boundaries of Art image

12pm | East Stage

Fiction, Memoir and the Boundaries of Art

Michelle de Kretser

What's Good for Your Kids? image

12pm | West Stage

What's Good for Your Kids?

Norman Swan

When a Killer Stalks a City image

12pm | North Stage

When a Killer Stalks a City

Mandy Beaumont

A Song of Time image

1:15pm | East Stage

A Song of Time

Stan Grant

Unravelling Memories and Buried Secrets image

1:15pm | West Stage

Unravelling Memories and Buried Secrets

Diana Reid

What's the Big Idea? image

1:15pm | North Stage

What's the Big Idea?

Richard Denniss

The State of the Nation image

2:30pm | East Stage

The State of the Nation

Bob Carr, Rebecca Huntley and Rick Morton

Keir Starmer: The Biography image

2:30pm | West Stage

Keir Starmer: The Biography

Tom Baldwin

Words to Sing the World Alive image

2:30pm | North Stage

Words to Sing the World Alive

Anita Heiss, Cheryl Leavy, Thomas Mayo and Jared Thomas

How the People of Yirrkala Changed the Course of Australian Democracy image

3:45pm | East Stage

How the People of Yirrkala Changed the Course of Australian Democracy

Clare Wright

Australia’s Housing Mess and How to Fix It image

3:45pm | West Stage

Australia’s Housing Mess and How to Fix It

Alan Kohler

A Woman's Worst Nightmare image

3:45pm | North Stage

A Woman's Worst Nightmare

Louise Milligan

We Are the Stars image

5pm | East Stage

We Are the Stars

Gina Chick

Depraved New World image

5pm | West Stage

Depraved New World

John Crace

Why is What Women Want Still a Question? image

5pm | North Stage

Why is What Women Want Still a Question?

Alyx Gorman and Lucia Osborne-Crowley

Boys and Men and Aussie Rules image

9:30am | East Stage

Boys and Men and Aussie Rules

Helen Garner

It's Christmas 1962 and a Baby Arrives... image

10:45am | East Stage

It's Christmas 1962 and a Baby Arrives...

Niall Williams

Fiction, Memoir and the Boundaries of Art image

12pm | East Stage

Fiction, Memoir and the Boundaries of Art

Michelle de Kretser

A Song of Time image

1:15pm | East Stage

A Song of Time

Stan Grant

The State of the Nation image

2:30pm | East Stage

The State of the Nation

Bob Carr, Rebecca Huntley and Rick Morton

How the People of Yirrkala Changed the Course of Australian Democracy image

3:45pm | East Stage

How the People of Yirrkala Changed the Course of Australian Democracy

Clare Wright

We Are the Stars image

5pm | East Stage

We Are the Stars

Gina Chick

Breakfast with Papers image

8am | West Stage

Breakfast with Papers

The World After Gaza: A History image

9:30am | West Stage

The World After Gaza: A History

Pankaj Mishra

Uses for Obsession image

10:45am | West Stage

Uses for Obsession

Ben Shewry

What's Good for Your Kids? image

12pm | West Stage

What's Good for Your Kids?

Norman Swan

Unravelling Memories and Buried Secrets image

1:15pm | West Stage

Unravelling Memories and Buried Secrets

Diana Reid

Keir Starmer: The Biography image

2:30pm | West Stage

Keir Starmer: The Biography

Tom Baldwin

Australia’s Housing Mess and How to Fix It image

3:45pm | West Stage

Australia’s Housing Mess and How to Fix It

Alan Kohler

Depraved New World image

5pm | West Stage

Depraved New World

John Crace

Paranoia, Mania and Monsters in the Soviet Union image

9:30am | North Stage

Paranoia, Mania and Monsters in the Soviet Union

Malcolm Knox

Love, War and Friendship image

10:45am | North Stage

Love, War and Friendship

Catherine McKinnon

When a Killer Stalks a City image

12pm | North Stage

When a Killer Stalks a City

Mandy Beaumont

What's the Big Idea? image

1:15pm | North Stage

What's the Big Idea?

Richard Denniss

Words to Sing the World Alive image

2:30pm | North Stage

Words to Sing the World Alive

Anita Heiss, Cheryl Leavy, Thomas Mayo and Jared Thomas

A Woman's Worst Nightmare image

3:45pm | North Stage

A Woman's Worst Nightmare

Louise Milligan

Why is What Women Want Still a Question? image

5pm | North Stage

Why is What Women Want Still a Question?

Alyx Gorman and Lucia Osborne-Crowley